925-978-2523 Hilite293@gmail.com
About Us

Mitchell HardinMitchell Hardin Jr., owner and CEO of Hi-Lite Enterprises Inc. has been in the cleaning industry for over 35 years. Hi-Lite Enterprises Inc. provides janitorial services to the Department of Defense, Universities, Community Colleges and national cleaning web portals. Mr. Hardin is the founder of Cleaning Business Opportunity (CleanBizOp.com) that sells janitorial supply goods and the developer of The BlindMaid™ a mobile mini-blind cleaning system for cleaning contractors (TheBlindMaid.com)

Mitchell Hardin Jr. is an author, inventor and teacher. Currently he is writing a How 2 Book that is specifically designed for construction final clean-up. He is also a certified master instructor for NxLevel Business Training Courses for Small Business Development. He spends his free time with his wife and two children.

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